"John Rabe" picks up Germany's Lola Award

Director/writer Florian Gallenberger's "John Rabe" picked up the awards for Best Film, Best Actor, Best Production Design and Best Costume Design at Germany's Lola Awards last Friday. "John Rabe" is being hailed as "China's Schindler", as it tells the tale of a German manager of Siemens that tries to save Chinese civilians during the Japanese invasion of Shanghai during the Second World War.

Özgür Yildirim’s "Chiko" picked up the Best Screenplay Award.

Complete list of winners:
Golden Lola for Best Film: John Rabe by Florian Gallenberger
Silver Lola for Best Film: A Year Ago In Winter by Caroline Link
Bronze Lola for Best Film: Cloud 9 by Andreas Dresen
Best Documentary: Nobody's Perfect by Niko von Glasow
Best Children’s Film: Nothing Else Matters by Julia von Heinz
Best Screenplay: Özgür Yildirim for Chiko
Best Director: Andreas Dresen for Cloud 9
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Ursula Werner in Cloud 9
Best Actor in a Leading Role: Ulrich Tukur in John Rabe
Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Sophie Rois in The Architect
Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Andreas Schmidt in Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
Best Cinematography: Kolja Brandt for North Face
Best Editing: Sebastian Thümler for Chiko
Best Production Design: Tu Ju Hua for John Rabe
Best Costume Design: Lisy Christl for John Rabe
Best Score: Niki Reiser for A Year Ago In Winter Best Sound: Christian Bischoff, Tschangis Chahrokh, Heinz Ebner and Guido Zettier for North Face
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Update: Added sorting and changed the order of assigning values to variables, so that manually set variables through command line options override those from the .supplyrc file. Oh, and also I added the verbose switch. (Apr 27, 11:44 PM)

Supposing you go on trains a lot, and you listen to audiobooks and/or podcasts when you do. I know of two problems that tend to arise then.
  • The trains are too damn loud and you can't actually hear your shows, even if you set your audio player on full blast and your hands over your ears.

  • You do this way too often and you get tired of shifting files by hand, especially if you've gotta do this file by file, since your audio player cares about the order in which files are loaded onto it, and your file system does not cooperate. Geek.
So it would be good if you could automate the process and apply some extra volume! And this is what this script does.

I've been putting it together for several weeks (I actually started last year and then got bored), scripting during lectures and so forth (when I should've really been paying attention to the complexities of MPEG-7) and came up with this wild bunch of code, all tied together.

It seems to work too!

It has several options:
  • Target is the device you want to put stuff on. In my case this can be /media/disk or /media/KINGSTON. I suggest fixing this up in the script itself (line 40) or, preferably, in the config file (more on that later).

  • Subdir(ectory) is a directory on the device that you want to put stuff in. I'd not set this up to fixed values anywhere, and would call it Books and Music. This would result in the files being placed into /media/disk/Books and /media/disk/Music, respectivelly.

  • Quiet will make the script not print out any info comments. It will still print out various warnings and assorted errors - if you want to desperately get rid of those redirect the error stream to /dev/null, like to ./supply 2> /dev/null

  • Gain probably the most important bit for us train-and-tram commuters. Sets a tag in ogg and mp3 files that tells the player to play louder. Setting gain to 5 will make it really loud... if you set it too loud it will start crackling like the bejesus...
Yeah, quite a few options, even if I say so myself...

But the purpose of this exercise to have it all simple! And that's where to config file comes in. You take the file called .supplyrc and put it in your home (~) directory (see line 41 in the source code). You put in the values you like into the config file, and you don't have to worry too much about configuration anymore! Isn't life grand?

So here's a simple example of use (supposing you're using my config file, as shown below):
./supply ~/Books/Nineteen\ Eighty-Four/ -s Books -g 2
This will put the audiobook into the directory /media/disk/Books/Nineteen\ Eighty-Four and increase the gain to 2, so it will be a bit louder.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. You need to acquire vorbisgain and/or mp3gain to make oggs and/or mp3s louder. I usually install them via apt:
sudo apt-get install mp3gain vorbisgain

Gain modification will only work with oggs and mp3, and they have to have the appropriate extensions (because I have to tell them apart somehow) - ogg or oga, or mp3.

And another thing, this one's GPL v3 or more.

Here's the config file I made for myself and as a general template:
# Filename: ~/.supplyrc
# Default settings for supply.sh

# Path to the device. Where to put the files by default. 
# Needs to be a directory and end in a slash (/).

# Where to put the files on the device pointed to by $target.
10# Needs to be a directory and end in a slash (/).
13# Gain setup. Leave commented out to have no gain by default.
14# An arbitrary number.
15# gain=0
17# Quiet mode: print messages, or not.
18# Allowed values: true, false.
19# quiet=true

And here's the code:
1  #!/bin/bash
3  # Supply
4  #
5  # A script to supply your audio player with new audio files, with the
6  # extra ability to control gain in oggs and mp3s.
7  #
8  # Usage:
9  #   t, target=<DIR> - Move media onto specified device
10 #   d, subdirectory=<DIR> - Move media to a dir on the device (opt.)
11 #   c, config=<FILE> - Apply specified configuration file (opt.)
12 #   g, gain=<NUMBER - Apply specified gain value to all files (opt.)
13 #   q, quiet - Do not print info messages (but still print warnings)
14 #   v, verbose - Print info messages (opposite of quiet)
15 #   <FILE LIST> - Act on these files and directories
16 #
17 # Requires:
18 #   vorbisgain
19 #   mp3gain
20 #
21 # Addendum regarding Ogg gain controls:
22 #   vorbisgain input files must be Ogg Vorbis I files with 1 or 2  
23 #   channels and  a  sample  rate  of 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz, 24 
24 #   kHz, 22050 Hz, 16 kHz, 12 kHz, 11025 Hz or 8 kHz. If  an  input
25 #   file  contains  multiple streams  (i.e., it is chained), the 
26 #   streams must all have the same format, in terms of sampling 
27 #   frequency and number of channels. All streams in a chained file 
28 #   are processed, but  the ReplayGain tags are only written to (or 
29 #   removed from) the first stream. 
30 #                                               -- vorbisgain(1)
31 # License:
32 #   Copyright 2009 Konrad Siek <konrad.siek@gmail.com>
33 #   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or 
34 #   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
35 #   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
36 #   the License, or (at your option) any later version. See 
37 #   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
39 # Default settings
40 target=/media/disk
41 config=~/.supplyrc
42 source=.
43 quiet='false'
44 #subdir=Books
46 # Echo function with possible silencing
47 function sysout {
48     if [ "$quiet" != 'true' ]
49     then
50         echo "$0: $1"
51     fi
52 }
54 # Echo function redirecting to standard error
55 function syserr {
56     echo "$0: $1" >& 2
57 }
59 # Parse options
60 options=$(\
61     getopt \
62     -o c:t:g:d:q:v \
63     --long gain:,target:,config:,subdirectory:,quiet,verbose \
64     -n $0 -- "$@" \
65 )
67 # Stop if there's some sort of problem
68 if [ $? != 0 ] 
69 then
70     syserr "Argh! Parsing went pear-shaped!"
71     exit 1
72 fi
74 # Set the parsed command options
75 eval set -- "$options"
77 # Setup selected options
78 while [ 1 ]
79 do
80     case "$1" in
81     -c|--config
82         config=$2
83         shift 2 
84     ;;
85     -g|--gain)
86         custom_gain=$2
87         shift 2
88     ;;
89     -t|--target)
90         custom_target=$2
91         shift 2
92     ;;
93     -d|--subdirectory)
94         custom_subdir=$2
95         shift 2
96     ;;
97     -q|--quiet)
98         custom_quiet='true'
99         shift 
100    ;;
101    -v|--verbose)
102        custom_quiet='false'
103        shift 
104    ;;
105    --) 
106        # Stop parsing options
107        shift
108        break
109     ;;
110    *) 
111        # Weird error
112        syserr "Hide! It's gonna blow!"
113        exit 2 
114    ;;
115    esac
118# Source config file if one exists
119if [ -f $config ]
121    sysout "Sourcing configuration file: $config"
122    . "$config"
124    sysout "No configuration file present."
127# Apply the so-called custom settings
128if [ $custom_gain ]; then gain=$custom_gainfi
129if [ $custom_target ]; then target=$custom_targetfi
130if [ $custom_subdir ]; then subdir=$custom_subdirfi
131if [ $custom_quiet ]; then quiet=$custom_quietfi
133# Create full path
136# If destination doesn't exist...
137if [ -e $fullpath ]
139    # Ok, so there is something there...
140    if [ ! \( -d $fullpath \) ] 
141    then
142        # ...but that something is not a directory!
143        syserr "$fullpath is not a directory"
144        exit 4
145    fi
146    if [ ! \( -w $fullpath \) ]
147    then
148        # ...but we can't write there!
149        syserr "No write permission for $fullpath"
150        exit 8
151    fi
153    # Create destination
154    mkdir -p $fullpath 2> /dev/null
155    if [ "$?" != 0 ]  
156    then
157        syserr "Can't create destination $fullpath"
158        exit 16
159    fi
162# Apply gain, you daft bugger.
163# Seriously, do I have to spell it out for you?
164function gain { 
165    # Resolve extension
166    ext=$(echo "$1" | awk -F "." '{print $NF}')
168    # Use the correct damn gain modification tool
169    if [ \( "$ext" == "ogg" \) -o \( "$ext" == "oga" \) ]
170    then
171        # Print short info
172        sysout "Setting gain to $gain for $(basename "$1") using vorbisgain"
174        # Run gain update for oggs
175        vorbisgain -q -g $gain "$1" 2> /dev/null
176    elif [ "$ext" == "mp3" ]
177    then
178        # Print short info
179        sysout "Setting gain to $gain for $(basename "$1") using mp3gain"
181        # Run gain update for mp3s
182        mp3gain -k -q -g $gain "$1" 2> /dev/null
183    else
184        syserr "Skiping gain modification for $(basename "$1")"
185    fi
188# Process an unknown file type
189# (Direcotries are also a kind of file...)
190function resolve {
191    relative=$topdir${1:$cutoff}
192    #echo $cutoff $relative
194    if [ ! -d "$1" ] 
195    then
196        sysout "Copying $(basename "$1") to $(dirname "$fullpath/$relative")"
198        # Copy a file to destination
199        cp "$1" "$fullpath/$relative"
201        # Apply gain modification
202        if [ "$gain" != "" ]
203        then
204            gain "$fullpath/$relative"
205        fi
206    else
207        sysout "Creating directory $fullpath/$relative"
209        # Create a directory at destination
210        mkdir -p "$fullpath/$relative"
212        # Copy stuff
213        cp_dir "$1"
215        # TODO This could be optional...
216    fi
219# Process a directory
220function cp_dir {
221    find "$1" | sort | while read f
222    do 
223        # Do NOT work on your own self, dumbass!
224        if [ "$f" == "$1" ]
225        then
226            continue
227        fi
229        # But work on everything else, accordingly
230        resolve "$f"
231    done
234# Copy files from the sources to the destination directory
235if [ "$#" == 0 ] 
237    # If no paths were given, use the current directory
238    cp_dir "."    
240    for arg
241    do 
242        cutoff=${#arg}
243        topdir=$(basename "$arg")/
245        resolve "$arg"
246    done

The code is also available at GitHub as bash/.supplyrc and bash/supply.
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Pirate Bay: a writer's perspective

The Pirate Bay ruling has unleashed a lot of emotion on the web. It's interesting that the discussions have centred on movies rather than music this time. Coming from the music biz, I can safely say to the movie businesses: "you ain't seen nothing yet" in terms of piracy. For creators, trying to find justifications for Pirate Bay is a very dangerous game to play for - in my opinion - two major reasons. 1) it promotes piracy on a very, very large scale indeed, and 2) by centralising free content it also blocks any of the other initiatives that creators might try and put in place.

Let me explain: the one big lesson people are not taking from the music debacle is that creators need to connect directly with their audiences. This is even more important to me than individual distribution. We have to build and nurture audiences so that they are available to us, rather than third-party sites. The good news for people that like it is that giving stuff away is going to be a major part of the new biz anyway. But WE have to be giving it away to OUR audiences. The freebies have to be part of OUR strategy, not Pirate Bay's or YouTube's. People have to come to OUR sites, and be exposed to OUR goodies, T-shirts, Director's Cuts, downloadable scripts, public appearances and OUR ads. Otherwise we will never be able to control our futures.

By giving everything away both YouTube and Pirate Bay short-circuit our ability to build audiences as they hold onto both the visitor data and the advertising revenue, leaving us the crumbs from our own table.

Most people I know are aware that people spend money to create music and movies, and are willing to participate in one way or another. Personally, I like visiting the sites of writers and directors, reading their comments and occasionally buying their books, movies or whatever. But both Pirate Bay and YouTube increase the distance between the creator and the spectator, which is why I think they both should be treated with caution.

All the rest about freedom, copyrights and the end of the world as we know it is editorial chatter.
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Comment mettre le flux (fil) de son blog sur un site ?

Voici comment mettre le flux (atom) de votre blog sur un site grace à Feedburner.Pour cela, il faut avoir un compte et enregistrer le flux (atom) de votre blog sur Feedburner.Il suffit de cliquer sur l'onglet "Publicize" et sélectionner "BuzzBoost".Il faut ensuite régler les parametres du flux ("Feed Settings") : nombre d'éléments à afficher ("Number of items to display") ...Cliquez ensuite sur
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"Il Divo" opens in Germany

Paolo Sorrentino's explosive account of Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti opens in Germany. The film takes a look at the secrets behind power in Italy during Andreotti's successive spells as the Prime Minister. Andreotti was known as the untouchable, with possible links to the Masonic lodge and the Sicilian mafia. Not surprisingly, Sorentino's film had a hard time finding financing and sponsors in Italy but made a deep impression at Cannes, where it won the Prix du Jury. "Il Divo" is also currently playing in Belgium. Official site.
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Convert file encodings

Here's to a new bit of code!

I wrote this program once, called Tester, which my dad is using in his day-to-day language teaching.

I wrote the thing quite a long time ago, so it's a bit buggy here and there, and one of the problems is that it doesn't handle encodings well. Since dad is thinking about using Ubuntu, the mishandled encodings are a problem: he used to have them encoded as WINDOWS-1250, but the current settings allow him to use only UTF-8 on Ubuntu.

Hence, this program, to convert between the two. Since the files come in bulk, I figured doing entire directories at once is a good idea.

Also, I wrote it in about an hour and a bit, so it might be a bit buggy here and there...

Here's the code:

# Convert directory 
# Convert text files in the directory from one encoding to another,
# all in a simple GUI. Converts between UTF-8 and WINDOWS-1250.

# Requires:
#   zenity
10#   iconv
11# Author:
12#   Konrad Siek
15# Get directory to convert files in
17    zenity \
18    --file-selection \
19    --directory \
20    --title="Select a directory to convert" \
23# If none selected, quit.
24if [ $? != 0 ] 
26    exit 1
29# Select source encoding from a list.
31    zenity --list \
32    --column="Encoding" \
33    --title="Source encoding" \
34    --text="The files are currently encoded as... " \
35    WINDOWS-1250 UTF-8 \
38# If none selected, quit.
39if [ $? != 0 ] 
41    exit 1
44# Select destination encoding from a list.
46    zenity --list \
47    --column="Encoding" \
48    --title="Destination encoding" \
49    --text="And you want these files encoded as... " \
50    UTF-8 WINDOWS-1250 \
53# If none selected, quit.
54if [ $? != 0 ] 
56    exit 1
59# For all files in the selected directory...
60find "$directory" -type f | while read f
62    # Get information about the file.
63    extension=${f#*.}
64    basename=$(basename "$f" ".$extension")
65    addition=$(echo "$destination_encoding" | tr -d - | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
66    output="$directory/$basename.$addition.$extension"
68    # Convert encoding.
69    iconv \
70        --from-code="$source_encoding" \
71        --to-code="$destination_encoding" \
72        --output="$output" \
73        "$f"
75    echo "Created $directory/$basename.$addition.$extension"
78# Notify on finish
79zenity --info --text="Operation complete." --title="Complete"

The code is also available at GitHub as bash/convert_directory.
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Google : recherche d' images par couleur

Avec Google il est désormais possible de rechercher des images par couleur.Meme si l'option n'est pas visible dans google images en version française vous pouvez ajouter à la fin de votre requete &imgcolor=couleur en remplacant couleur par la couleur que vous recherchez (il faut utiliser la langue anglaise si vous tapez la couleur en français ça ne fonctionne pas).voici un exemple :je tape
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Rhino JavaScript working on App Engine Java Edition

I was super-excited this morning, when I saw the announcement that Google had released a Java version of their App Engine environment. My heart sank a bit when I read that they had a class white-list for security reasons, and told myself that I wouldn't be surprised if that means that you cant run Server-side JavaScript at all.

However, after reading Ola Bini's quick article on how to enable JRuby, I felt that it might be doable, after all, JS doesn't even have Threads (which more or less thankfully are disabled in GAE). It _should_ work.  

So I went and downloaded the eclipse plugin, created a new project, which came with its own "Hello World" servlet and dropped the Mozilla labs JS version 1.7 jar (from the Dojo Ajax Toolkit's util/shrinksafe folder) into the lib/ folder of the GAE project, added some paths here and there -- and it worked.

I tried something really simple like this;


String s = "var foo = {foo: 17, bar: 4711}; foo.foo;";

Object result = cx.evaluateString(scope, s, "", 1, null);



And out I got a 



I just saw that Google has limited the Java GAE SDK for the 10 first to register. I guess Sweden was the right place to be :)  If you want to see my sample project, you can download it from here;



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New Adjani film debuts on TV

Purely by accident, I caught most of the new Isabelle Adjani film "La journée de la jupe" written and directed by Jean-Paul Lilienfeld on Arte recently. I was impressed by the young cast and wondered why I hadn't heard about it before. The reason is that the film actually premièred on television, and is only now being released in France and Belgium. Isn't this backwards logic? Aren't we told that movies should be in the theatres first and then on TV and lastly on DVD? It's all the more interesting as the film brought Arte its biggest audience rating to date, nearly 2.5 million spectators or almost 9.6% of French TV audiences.

It will be interesting to see if this creates a buzz for the release. It certainly worked for Arte. The film has caused such debate that Arte decided to postpone the re-broadcasts. A message on Isabelle Adjani's blog invites people to catch the movie in theatres. Arte is a co-producer with Mascaret Films, Fontana and the RTBF. Visit the official site (in French).
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