Texte barré avec Blogger

Pour barrer un ou plusieurs mots dans vos messages :Cliquez sur l'onglet "Modifier le code HTML" (juste à côté de rédiger)Et ajoutez ceci :mots barrésOUmots barrésIl suffit maintenant de remplacer mots barrés par les mots que vous souhaitez barrer.
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Souligner avec Blogger

Petite astuce pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas l'HTML et qui veulent souligner des mots ou des phrases dans leurs messages :Cliquez sur l'onglet "Modifier le code HTML" (juste à côté de rédiger)Et ajoutez ceci :mots soulignésOUmots soulignésremplacez ensuite mots soulignés par les mots que vous souhaitez souligner.
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Statistiques, compteurs invisibles gratuits pour blogs

Google Analytics :Le service proposé par Google est parmi les plus complets...Trop complet ? peu être ça dépend de vos besoins.Je vous le conseille si vous voulez des statistiques précises et complétes sur votre blog ou votre site : possibilité d'inscrire plusieurs sites sur le meme compte, statistiques géographiques ...Les autres pourront se tourner vers Statcounter.L'inconvénient majeur c'est
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Gymnastic physicality

I like physics, I also like gymnastics
Combined they make a body and mind elastic
Black body spin is present in black holes
Absence of spin, allows for static holds

Just like quantum theory, you can be unsure where you are
If you push the somersaults too far
The Mandelbrot set endlessly repeats
Just like the actions of the best gymnastic feats

The standard model is based on quarks
Jumping up and down in a strange and charming lark
The Higgs boson could provide the mass to spark gravitation
allowing for every type gymnastic innovation

Motion in waves, create new forms
Gauge symmetry allows stars and iron crosses to be formed
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Message : changer la date ou l'heure

Pour modifier la date d'un post :dans le tableau de bordSelectionnez "Messages"Cliquez sur "modifier" devant le messagepuis sur "options" (en bas à gauche du message)Changez la partie "Heure et date d'un message blog" à votre guise.P.S :Cette astuce peut également servir à faire apparaitre un message toujours en premier sur votre blog.Pour cela, il suffit de mettre une date postérieure à
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Relativity rap

E equals energy
M equals mass
and the Mc sparks the time to pass
the square root of two holds the whole thing together
and the workings of this process are both elegant and clever

All the chav’s think they are real clever
With their Burberry hats and eyes to close together
But check Einstein he wrote the line
Relativity he found divine
Mass and energy is the same thing
E=mc squared is da bling

A curved prism light gave Newton insight
That the flow of quantum chromodynmics is the structural wave form which moves the planets
The sun is a changeable force with a moving boundary which gives heat and light to you and me
Spectral light emissions cause the effect that curves space/ time to a constant effect

Nuclear fusion will cause no confusion
If you get over the simple delusion
That every thing is in a fixed state
That’s not how particles interrelate

I understood Newtonian physics at school for every action an opposite I was no fool
Well Dense energy equals mass they didn’t teach me that in class.
Compressed energy is released in a dance a physical activity not left too chance
All the sums must balance out and that’s what stars are all about

Well a black hole it has no mass
Progress and motion towards its devotion
No light escapes this Euclidian potion
Into what dimension does the energy emerge
The whole damn thing is truly absurd

Now please don't see this as a retraction
Let me illustrate this action
One two three all states emerge, mass and light and energy
Extend from a singularity.
Unleashed potential all around and that was how the light was found

With energy the world resounds there’s are always motion where light is found
E and mc squared gets it together and creates all kinds of cosmic weather
Photons and electrons perform the trick that lets the clockwork universe tick
It is not clockwork Newton’s bucket was wrong but try making that into a song

The Lambda principle lets there be light who’s to say it’s not cosmologically right?
A balanced creation of energy that created everything mysteriously
Electrons and photons Like to dance and will interact given half a chance

Too all of us its quite clear the earths a sphere
You can not see the curve off the earth for its mighty girth
The curve of the line resting on the equator
Is the truth of the now in the past and the later

The point of an arrow that curves on a dime
This is the essence of circular time, gravity curves nature too a constant degree
And even time is a singularity

Come on now, and don't be morons
Just innovate your interneurons
With its strange polarity existing on every scale
The perfect geometry off this tale
The golden ratio that makes every thing go
It’s the strangest thing that we all know

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation freezes time
but quantum gravity is the key too help find the sum of all histories
The Tachyon is faster than the speed of light and into history it sets flight
I hope this rhyme found the time to show you that physics is so sublime
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Music of the collapsing spheres

The black light of creation
Forms the rainbow of the sky
And from the dust comes heat
That illuminates the sky

One twin escapes and one returns
And this is how the wheel is turned
The darkest form of energy
A wholly fearful symmetry

Behold the destroyer and creator of worlds
The darkness that must come out the light?
The very source of all which must ignite
And the radiance of the sun turned in would

All potential is forged within me
My hand upon the face of the water of time
The movement of eternity

Maxwell's Demon set free
From the eternal constant it rises
The sea of light unfolded
Releasing Pandora's touch upon the living world

In the dreamtime all was created
This is where all worlds were fated
An essence to which all that was given must return
The efficient cause of quantum laws

A singular event which only the imaginary time can circumvent
On the levels of quantum reality this where we find this wave of duality
When the lens sees very large it only sees the quantum charge
When the lens sees very small we see the linkage of it all

Deep within are D.N.A is coded the way all life on earth unfolded
And Myth and truth can form a ridge
To jump across the synaptic bridge

On the planet that breaths is the tree of life
And the fruit of that tree is people who know
Even the darkest hole is radiant
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Covenants and government

The sterile neutrino is a lot like government
It doesn't seem to interact with anything
No one is sure what its purpose really are is
It’s quite aloof and ivades questions about its direction
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In Friary vents the kraken sleeps first breath of life felt in the deep
A chain of molecules rearrange and nature is forever changed

The oceans photosynthesise and tiny microbes come to thrive
From manifold to manifest new forms were then put to the test

Circling within the sand they then grow feet and came on land
Beasts of jungle tempest born stood on earth upon the morn
Changed into enlightened beings they heard a cord played in their dreams

A golden vision in the sky
A rainbow form to fill the sky
A guide back, to an age before the kraken
Were dreams were dreamed to form life’s pattern
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Not even wrong

Science has embraced the phrase, “not even wrong” to apply to ideas so incredulous because they do not apply sound scientific reasoning. This of course can apply to any idea that has no basis in a factual description, is the basis of fiction, but never of rational argument.
Whilst I was in town this morning I over heard a soapbox preacher, expressing an idea that was “not even wrong”. He was invoking the God of the gaps to fill in where science can not currently provide an adequate description. This is a practice discredited by most modern forward thinking theologians as they realise that it reduces the belief in a deity to a mere straw man to be stood up against scientific argument. I'm not going to argue, the whys and wherefores that form an argument for a basis in belief. He has his beliefs and he is welcome to them however, but such people should realise when their arguments have no basis in fact I question his scientific diction, and not his conviction (I’m not arguing for or against the existence of God).
As without an adequate knowledge of the principals of science you can not hope to understand any advanced theory.
The biggest gap in modern scientific understanding, and the one which the soapbox preacher had decided to use was the old argument of what set off the big bang?
This is an interesting argument, and I would like to see the problem solved as much as anyone else, but I realise that you must have scientific understanding in order to explore these questions. Science is a language, which gives us our most accurate descriptions of the natural world that cannot easily be discredited (when fully understood). The preacher was asking, what created the matter before the big bang?
Now, for a lay person this may seem like a perfectly valid question to ask, but it is wrong for two reasons which I'll elaborate on in due course.

The first reason this question is wrong is that it assumes that time existed before the big bang, this is quite wrong as time began with the big bang its existence did not proceed it. The problem before our soap box philosopher is time is never defined in modern physics as a quantity on its own (since 1905 to be precise, so he’s had a lot of time to catch up), instead, it is seen as an intrinsic quality of space-time in which time to defines space and space defines time. Let me describe it in the form of other simple analogy if you consider the entire universe as a map then the territory is best described by a map containing all of space-time and mass- energy. All interactions and events that happen are represented on the map, studying the map it can be seen that at a large-scale the territory is best described by the theory of relativity and on a small-scale best described by quantum mechanics. This map has been studied in large detail at both scales (using telescopes and particle accelerators).
On a large scale, relativity, describes actions which have a cause and effect (the so-called arrow of time, past, present and future). In the very small, quantum world there is no such thing as cause and effect. Now if we imagine the map at the time of the big bang it’s folded up to an incredibly small-scale and all territories described on the map start to over lap. Now, although the descriptions of relativity and quantum mechanics work well at their given scales when they reduced to the scale of the singularity of the big bang (the Plank scale), their underlying rules break down and we need a new description of what's going on (which we currently don’t have). Part of the reason why this is so, is because we are used to seeing time as a linear progression (can you imagine a universe with out progression, movement and time?). With the creation of the universe however there is no definite beginning moment. In fact, the use of the word moment is quite incorrect here, instead of the universe starting at the specific moment in time it started at general moment in space-time (due of infinite curvature). That is to say that at the smallest scale of immeasurably dense energy, space and time is curved to such an effect that there is no progression of cause and effect at all. Of course all this is quite difficult to take on board and picture in action and no one really understands the full implications of it.
The second reason why our friend on the soapbox is wrong is much easier too illustrate he talks about matter at the big bang, “where did the matter come from at the big bang?” he asks. Clearly, he expects us to have no answer as well; this is an easy one to answer. There was no matter at the time of the big bang as it was an energetic and none material event. The existence of matter in the form of atomic particles did not emerge for some time after the big bang through the process of reionisation. Dense energy creates mass, and energy is the building block of all matter. During the universe’s inflationary period, the reionisation took place, creating all the heavier elements which formed the constituent parts of galaxies, stars and planets. It is of course a real mystery why any of this should have happened, but why invoke ignorance when seeking an explanation is far more fruitful. I do not know the reason for the existence of the universe but seeking reasons in the criticism of high-energy physics is absurd in the extreme.
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Relativity and sustainability

It is a commonly held fact that to lose weight you must utilise a suitable exercise program and dietary plan. However, members of the general public have never had this process works explained to them at the most fundamental level. I am going to use the evidence of the world's most famous scientist to show how calories work during metabolism. The man in question was a doctor of high achievement, but I'm not talking about Dr Atkins or any experts of the television. I'm talking about a doctor, not of medicine but of physics, mainly Professor Albert Einstein. I will demonstrate how any physical system can be analysed using the theory of relativity including the human body and environment.

Everyone is taught about Einstein's most famous equation E=MC² in high school. However, the meaning of this equation is rarely broken down into a way that is made easily understandable. Although relativity is notoriously difficult to understand and a full understanding of the applications of the theory would take lifetime to understand, the basics of the equation are actually quite simple. So please, don't be put off by the term relativity as Albert Einstein said about himself said,” it is more important to be curious than intelligent” so let's explore.
Okay, let's get started. General relativity is a mass- energy equivalence formula let me explain what that means the E = energy, the M = mass and C² represents a constant parameter. In one sentence, that is the basics and all you really need to know the purposes of this article. Still confused? Well, lets remove the constant parameter which is the C² part of the equation we are left with e=m (or energy = mass). As Einstein put it himself “mass and energy are essentially a like; they are only different expressions of the same thing”. This means that energy is convertible into mass and vice versa.

Well, that's all very well, you might think but how can this information help me maintain or lose weight? Isn't relativity all about the big bang, nuclear power and black holes and various other things which go boom and I don't really understand? Well, that's certainly a valid response, but unfortunately, if you are thinking this you'd be wrong and here's why, the energy equivalence formula and can be applied to all forms of energy assessed over any duration or scale (it has universal application, quite literally at least above atomic scale, but that’s another article).
Let me tell you a little bit about the humble calorie it’s one of those terms we learn in high school, but just like relativity we very rarely have it explained to us in any meaningful way. A calorie is a unit of energy, food energy to be precise; it is the amount of energy that must be applied in the form of heat to a gram of water order to raise its temperature by 1°C. For the purposes of dietary assessment a calorie is the main measure of both food intake and energy expenditure during exercise, as such the calorie is used by nutritional scientists and exercise physiologists to assess diet and exercise. To put it simply your body composition is the sum total of the amount of energy you consume in the form of food, divided by the amount of energy you expend during exercise.

Human bodies metabolise food (MASS) to convert it into useful calories (ENERGY) for all our bodily functions and any excess calories are stored in adipose tissue (or as it is more commonly known body fat).Adipose tissue is a storage form of calories as is muscle glycogen.

There are two simple methods for losing weight, summed up by comedian Billy Connolly put simply” move more and eat less” .Of course this isn't exacting but the general principle is correct and energy intake and utilisation needs to be balanced in order for weight to be maintained. As Einstein himself put it “the mass of a body is not a constant in varies with changes in its energy”.

The thing is we need to be exacting in any conversion process (such as metabolism) and for that we need a measure. Returning to relativity, the measure is the square root of the speed of light or C² to express it in simple terms. In the example of relativity, the speed of light is simply used as a measure of the conversion of energy (it is a measure of motion in terms of relative duration). All measures in the physical sciences are either dimensional (length, width and high) or durational (time). In practice, there are practical measures which can assess energy use in the body (were processes happen at various rates, but not the speed of light in a vacuumas in relativity!).

Metabolism is an active process related to energy. It doesn't just happen in the digestive tract, but in every cell in the body. All living cells contain a substance known as ATP. This energy source within cells acts as a battery and the food we take in allows the batteries to be recharged (through a recycling process known as the kerbs cycle). ATP is also the chief energy currency of lean tissue (muscle mass). There are two types of muscles in his human body involuntary muscles (such as those of the digestive system) and active muscles (in the musculoskeletal system). ATP is utilised in every type of active bodily activity, and the amount used will be initiated on the basis of the intensity and duration of activity.

In the muscles energy currency is the substance ATP which is the battery of energy within the cells. There are two broad terms used to assess the intensity of exercise. These are short duration, anaerobic exercise (meaning without the use of oxygen) and long duration aerobic exercise (meaning with the use of oxygen). Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, utilise calories, in order to recharge the ATP battery.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises are not polar opposites, but part of a broad exercise continuum, which makes use of three distinct recycling systems order to power, muscular action: respiration of oxygen to carbon dioxide , phosphocreatine to pyrvate and ATP to ADP . During long duration exercise (distance running, cycling swimming) we rely more on the conversion of oxygen to carbon dioxide (respiration takes place in the cells mitochondria as well as in the lungs). During moderate duration exercise (a round of boxing, running 400 metres) we rely more on the conversion of lactate acid back to pyruvic acid during the kerbs cycle, during short duration exercise (weightlifting, long jump) we rely on ATP being quickly converted into ADP.A mixtures of these fuels are used, at every exercise intensity. Although one system of energy utilisation is emphasised at any given duration a combination metabolism and respiration refuels the whole body at every scale from whole body to cellular processes.

What determines the intensity of any exercise is the work rate and duration of the activity. That is to say, short duration, high-intensity exercises and long duration low intensity exercises will burn the same amount of calories if the work rate is the same (the work rate is the sum of duration and intensity of effort). Going back to Einstein's famous equation we can see, that it can be used as an assessment of the energy conversion process within a given time-frame used in all physical occurrences (above atomic scale) which can be assessed by their duration and magnitude of the effects.

The magnitude of the effective exercise is a measure of work rate divided by duration which determines the intensity of exercise effort. You need to establish the right level of intensity for any given individual to exercise at and this requires a level of assessment which goes beyond the scope of this article (but is easily assessed by an exercise physiologist). Described broadly, however, if the exercise level is set at an exceptionally high-intensity compared to one's muscular and cardiovascular output the effects can be detrimental, if the intensity is set to low there will be no measurable effect and if the intensity is just right there will be a improvement in function (improved fitness). The whole process is rather like Goldilocks and the porridge it’s all about finding the right level of effort for the individual. For the novice and intermediate exercisers undergoing this level of conditioning at high-intensity is in fact unnecessary. Too much discomfort experienced in the short duration of time could be compared to the effects of time dilation in relativity in that it may seem that during an intense short exercise bout your agony has been infinitely prolonged!

As far as the dietary approach to weight maintenance is concerned, when all else is equal, a diet containing low GI carbohydrates is superior to a diet containing high GI carbohydrates for reducing fat storage preserving your metabolic rate and maintaining healthy insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. To put it another way, if you maintain the correct energy balance by consulting the glycemic index of carbohydrates you are unlikely to gain weight and should avoid the complications of adult onset type 2 diabetes (which is associated with clinical obesity and lowered glucose tolerance and insulin insensitivity). One also needs to consume a diet low in saturated fat and good quality protein sources where the energy balance of calories consumed does not exceed calories utilised a long with an adequate supply of micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and adequate hydration (water).

Now, you may wonder where environmental sustainability comes into all this.
Well, the human body is a structure where mass and energy are converted effectively over a given duration and the same could be said for the environment. In both cases, assessment and application of energy requirements to suit different needs requires careful thought and management. Maintenance and stability are two sides of the same coin ,in fact they are the same thing when applied to motion, (just ask any unicyclist!) they are always framed in any physical system by the conversion of mass into energy, and vice versa. At the present time, we extract from our environment mainly, non-renewable energy sources. Reserves that have been built up in gas oil and coal over millions of years. These are all types of biomass, plants which once lived which are now used as an energy reserves from dead matter. We can also harvest biomass from renewable sources this is analogous to our bodies two types of energy storage with there our bodily tissues the fat stores are of finite, limited resource which can be depleted but ATP is a renewable resource, which can be replaced through adequate functioning of metabolism and respiration.

This is our use of fossil fuels is similar to an individual relying on fat stores for energy it cannot be sustained needs carbohydrates to power muscular contractions. However renewable sources of energy are much more energy-efficient and like the functioning of the kerbs cycle within metabolism. Treatment of the environment, with investment in improved technology will give far higher energy yields than we have experienced using fossil fuels. Arthur C. Clark defines levels of civilisation, not by their cultural idiosyncrasies, but by their use of energy. If you look at our own history we have gone from burning coal fires to burning oil to using the nuclear fusion within a couple of centuries. Each yields a higher percentage of energy per unit of mass. The elements themselves that is to say the potential energy in the environment (the wind, waves and solar power) all have the potential as renewable energy sources as do reusable bio fuel and plug in hybrid cars. All these sources help reduce carbon emissions and cut down on green house gases with the environment. These technologies may seem new to people in are present era but we only have to look back to the Industrial Revolution to see the use of wind and water power to fire an industrial expansion and improvement in the standard of living.

As we have seen, relativity is a description of energy transfer over a given duration. An understanding of energetic process can be applied, to any physical system. Relativity is by no means the last word on this. But it does have a far reaching ability to be applied in principal to living systems, such as, the human body and the planetary environment as a whole.
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The words of young Albert upon meeting his sister

I think she's quite good
A marvel of science
but where are the wheels upon this appliance ?
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The epiphany of Kurt Gödel

When you look for correlation some very odd areas provide explanation
Will the use of no free parameter, define the root of times parameter?

He was seeking a platonic proof of the existence of God
But the chief result was somewhat odd

Gödel awoke to find nothing changed
But the mental furniture had been rearranged

An all too conventional way of thinking can shut down ways of neural linking
Hardwired deep within the frame, a puzzle to defy the brain

A mechanical Golem can not define this relativist way to tell the time
A time that's not kept on the shelf with need of soul too define itself

Travelling so fast that time ceases to be was implied, implicitly
Will nature’s strange loops go bang and crunch?
Enough of this I'm off to lunch.
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The Dreaming

Some years ago a group of wise men set forth on a rowing boat
Along the river of life, leaving the boat behind. They began to climb towards the top of Mount improbable

A telescope was used to look off into the distance, where they spied a huge rock, which filled the horizon

The Buddhist was the first to speak, saying this rock is Enlightenment. The transmutation of thought, which is the grounding of all being

The Hindu spoke next this rock is Brahma, the very grounding of reality

The Christian said this is proof of the design of the living god whose touches felt upon all things

The Marxist said, this rock is a property of all and no one can claim prior ownership of it

The scientist said this rock is the arc of symmetry in which no law is immutable

The existentialist stated that the rock can change my perspective, and I can change my perspective of the rock and yet I am not unmoved by it

The aboriginal said, the rock is the dreaming, from which all forms spring

The materialist said, it's just a bloody big rock, and it was decided not to invite him next time. Until they remembered he was the one who made the sandwiches
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What,s a tree

Please tell me granddad what's a tree?
Did monkeys play so hurriedly?
Did birds make nests and fly about?

I tell you child I do not know.
I tell you child it's quite a fix.
How did the world run out of sticks?

The internet will surely tell.
Well it was us.
Oh what the hell?

Now what's that smell?
It smells a lot like rats and roaches
If only the forests we had not toasted.
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Recipe for the universe

Half a pound of energy
And just a pinch of dark matter
All tied up with superstring and served up on a platter

Side serving: the thyme to go with this meal comes in two flavours
cyclic or linearised
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Drunk Again

Two particle physicists walk out of a bar
One is in an indeterminate state
And other's legs are uncertain of principal
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Derniers messages-commentaires Blogger : gadget version 2

Ce gadget (widget) permet au choix d'ajouter soit les messages (articles) ou les commentaires les plus récents de votre blog dans la sidebar.Pour l'installer sur votre blog, remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et cliquez sur "Ajouter ce gadget".Les nouveautés par rapport à la première version :- installation plus facile- possibilité d'afficher la date, l'heure et l'auteur du message ou du
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Programming for Pipeline

Thanks to CGTantra for publishing my article on pipeline development. It is all about the scope of programming in production pipeline development. Aim to make it a general and easy to understand for non programmers…wishing for more talented pipeline developers will come from Indian CG Industry.

Part I

Part II

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Modifier le code HTML de votre blog (modele/template)

Voici la méthode pour modifier le code HTML de votre modèle (template) Blogger :Cliquez sur l'onglet "modèle" puis sur "modifier le code HTML"Cliquez sur "Télécharger le modèle dans son intégralité"Pensez à garder une sauvegarde de ce fichier avant toutes modifications !Faites vos modifications dans ce fichierRenvoyez ensuite le fichier modifié vers le serveurGrace à la fonction "Envoyez un
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Astuce Recherche google : exclure des sites

Sur Internet, vous pouvez trouver facilement des astuces pour une utilisation avancée des possibilités du moteur de recherche Google (notamment sur la page Fonctionnalités spéciales de Google).Vous y lirez, par exemple, que vous pouvez limiter votre recherche sur un site, un blog ou un domaine particulier :Ex : blog site:blogspot.comRecherche le terme blog sur le site blogspot.com (et ses
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Using 3dsMax native window as owned parent of Dotnet form

Plan is instead of win32 using dotnet form with 3dsMax SDK. But how can make the dotnet window as owned child of 3dsmax native window (required to behave properly in minimize/maximize or activate/deactivate window cases)? NativeWinodow class under System.Windows.Form namespace can solve the problem. Code snippet I have used...

Interface* Ip = GetCOREInterface();
HWND childHWND = varForm.CreateForm(Ip->GetMAXHWnd());

void WrapForm::CreateForm(HWND ParentHandle)
Test::TestForm^ netForm = gcnew Test::TestForm();
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Yo Ho Ho and a Number One

Pirates to Set Sail on Consoles

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
, Developed by Eurocom is now available in market.

Disney Interactive Studios celebrate a swashbuckling second week for 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End', claiming their first ever All Formats No1 and forcing Activision's 'Spider-Man 3' to walk the plank - falling from No1 to No3.

For the full article please visit ChartTrack

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Tester son blog avec Safari sous Windows

Si vous voulez voir à quoi ressemble votre blog ou votre site avec Safari, Apple vient de sortir la version 3.522 Beta de son navigateur pour Windows(vous pourrez constater que l'affichage n'est pas parfait).D'après le site, Safari charge les pages 2 foix plus vite qu'Internet Explorer 7 et 1.6 fois plus vite que firefox 2 sous Windows XP.J'ai des doutes quant aux chiffres donnés pour le
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Google : recherche dans un format de fichier spécifique

Une fonction avancée de Google vous permets de faire une recherche dans un type de fichier précis.d'après l'aide officielle, voici les formats pris en compte :Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)Adobe PostScript (ps)Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)Lotus WordPro (lwp)MacWrite (mw)Microsoft Excel (xls)Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)Microsoft Word (doc)Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
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Enlever le titre du blog

Pour supprimer le titre de votre blog, utilisez la procédure suivante :Cliquez sur l'onglet "Modèle"Choisissez "élément de la page"Dans l'en-tête cliquez sur "modifier"Mettez dans le champs "Titre du blog": 
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Remplacer le titre du blog par une image

Il faut d'abord enlever le titre :Cliquez sur l'onglet "Modèle"Choisissez "élément de la page"Au niveau de l'en-tête cliquez sur "modifier"Remplacez le champs "Titre du blog" par du blancUne fois le titre supprimé, insérez la photopour cela utilisez :- "From your computer" : si votre image se trouve sur votre ordinateur- "Depuis le Web" : si votre image est déja publiée sur le net.Il ne vous
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Recherche de blogs par dates avec Google Blog Search

Google Blog Search, le moteur de recherche de blogs de Google permet de limiter les recherches de messages par dates.Pour l'utiliser il suffit d'aller dans la recherche avancée du moteur.Un exemple concret d'utilisation :Admettons que vous voulez rechercher des articles sur les émeutes qui ont eu lieu en france suite aux élections présidentielles de 2007.Vous tapez (par exemple) émeute dans le
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fast script 4eme episode: Matrix, the remerde

Ben enfinnnnnnnnn l'épisode 4....encore désolé beaucoup de probléme....mais surtout de grand effet spéciaux digne de Steven Spielberg....
Dans cette épisode nos 3 génies refont Matrix à leurs sauces

No english title - The best bloopers are a click away
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Afficher les derniers commentaires de votre blog

Ajout du 03/07/2007 :Nouvelle méthode d'installation :Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et cliquez sur "Ajouter ce gadget".Afficher les messages ou les commentairesMessages Commentaires Titre :Nombre de messages (ou commentaires) à afficher :Lisez ce message pour plus d'informations :Widget : Afficher les derniers messages (billets)(ancienne méthode d'installation obsolète)Pour cela il faut
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Plusieurs images cote a cote dans un message

Comment mettre plusieurs photos les unes à coté des autres dans le même message ?Pour illustrer ce tutoriel j'ai choisi de mettre 3 images :cyan,violet et jaune.Par défaut, un passage à la ligne est ajouté automatiquement entre chaque image.Voici comment le supprimer :1) Ajoutez vos images une à une dans votre messages et validez(pour chaque image, mettez "aucun" dans "Choisissez une mise en page
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C'est la poisse !

Oyé oyé,
bon comme Stan n'a plus de compte Google (ne me demandez pas pourquoi - il a dû s'en servir pour des sites pas très catholiques à mon avis) il ne peut plus poster ici. Donc, c'est moi qui doit s'en charger. Et franchement j'ai autre chose à faire. :P

Alors, les news, notre câble vidéo déconne complet et on ne peut plus capturer les vidéos sur notre ordinateur. Donc le montage est bloqué le temps qu'on change.

Valà. Je sais, vous en avez rien à foutre, mais si je le faisais pas, j'allais me faire fouetter par Stan en habillé tout de cuir et croyez moi ca ne donne pas trop envie.
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Traduire automatiquement votre blog avec Babelfish

Avec Babel fish (racheté par Yahoo) vous pouvez traduire du français vers l'anglais, l'allemand, le grec, l'italien, le portugais, le néerlandais et l'espagnol.Créez un premier élément de page de type "HTML/JavaScript"Copiez/collez le texte suivant dans le champs contenu :
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Traduire automatiquement votre blog avec Google

Un des outils linguistique de Google vous permets de traduire automatiquement une page Web du français vers l'anglais ou l'allemand. Voici comment mettre en place cette fonctionnalité sur votre blog (ou votre site).Créez un premier élément de page de type "HTML/JavaScript"Copiez/collez le texte suivant dans le champs contenu : Continue Reading...

Widget : Afficher les derniers messages (billets)

Voici un gadget (widget) qui va vous permettre d'afficher les derniers messages de votre blog Google (1).Ajout du 03/07/2007 :Nouvelle méthode d'installation :Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et cliquez sur "Ajouter ce gadget".Ouutilisez la version 2 du gadget en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :Afficher les derniers messages sur BloggerCette version vous permets en plus d'afficher la date,
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Parrainage Adsence et Adwords : Les nouveautés

Début Février, Dan Friedman (AdSense Product Marketing) a annoncé les nouveautés concernant les parrainages pour les produits Adsence et Adwords.En voici un exemple :Quand un de vos filleuls que vous avez parrainé par le biais d'Adsence gagne 5 dollars dans les 180 jours qui suivent son inscription votre compte est lui aussi crédité de 5 $.Plus d'infos sur le blog d'Adsence.
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Petit sondage pour nos fans

Ce message s'addresse à nos fans (enfin, je ne crois pas qu'on en ait...mais bon, on sait jamais, lol.) ou à tout ceux qui apprécient Fast Script.

Nous,( les génies créateurs de Fast Script) on se demande si les épisodes sont trop longs.Par exemple l'épisode 3 dure plus de 7min 30.

* Est ce que vous trouvez les épisodes trop longs ?
* Sont-ils comme il faut ?
* Sont-ils pas assez long ?

Repondez en postant un commentaire...

(ou sinon Bboi si tu peux faire un sondage...)
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Google AJAX Search API sur Blogger

(démo : http://google-ajax-search-api-tests.blogspot.com/)Le but de cet article est de vous expliquer comment ajouter un moteur de recherche AJAX sur votre blog Google grace à Google AJAX Search API.Ce script effectue une recherche sur les blogs et les sites référencés par Google.This post provides instructions on how to add AJAX search engine to your Google blog with Google AJAX Search
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Les jeux vidéo...c'est dangereux !!!

Episode 3 Les Jeux Videos C'est Mal FAST SCRIPT - video powered by Metacafe

Voila enfin le 3éme épisode. Il est long on doit l'avouer mais on reduira pour le prochain épisode.
Dans celui là vous verrez encore une fois la folie de nos 3 génies. Mais surtout vous allez vous rendre compte a quel point les jeux vidéos ont une mauvaise influence sur la jeunesse... (nespa les associations contre les jeux vidéos violents....ces associations constituées de décérébrés à testicules sans poils)
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Les news de la semaine

Bon désolé mais le 3éme épisode tarde à venir. Mais je vous rassure, le montage vient de finir. Le probléme est qu'il est un peu long donc on le peaufine au maximum...soyez patient...

Sinon le 4éme épisode sera : " MATRIX: MERDE VIRTUEL OU REEL?" (enfin je viens de trouver le titre à l'instant)

N'hésitez pas à lacher vos commentaires...n'hésitez pas à dire ce que vous avez aimé ou moins aimé.

Il y aura aussi prochainement une Guest Star (un nouveau personnage autre que Stan,Shino ou Bboi. Il y en aura plusieurs au fil des épisodes...)

Voila pour les infos
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Betisier 1

Voilà le betisier des deux premiers épisodes...ça rigole...ça manque de serieux...ça n'arrive pas à dire son texte..bref du travail de pro...

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Les vers tueurs 1er episode

Fast Script - video powered by Metacafe

Le pilote de la série: On va vous avouer que ladiscussion sur les vers a vraiment eut lieu.
Nico avait vu un documentaire sur les vers parasites comme les vers solitaires etc... Et en attendant le RER, sur le quai, on s'est mis à déconner sur ça... et voila le résultat
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Salut tout le monde et bienvenue sur le blog de Fast Script.

Nous allons tenter de nous présenter ainsi que notre mini série.

Nous sommes 3 jeunes réalisateurs à la base de ce projet. Après quelques années d’études de réalisation dans une école de cinéma parisienne, nous avons formé une équipe surmotivée et affamée.
On a réalisée beaucoup de projets en commun et on s’entraide sur nos courts-métrages, allant de film très sérieux à d’autres totalement débile (nos films seront bientôt en ligne sur le blog)

Un jour, lors d’une pause déjeuné dans un Mc Do (j'avais dit pas de marque Shino, on va avoir un procés), nous avons eu le délire d’une entreprise de Fast food du scénario. En gros, un producteur arrive et fait une commande de script
Les employés de l’entreprise n’ont que 10 minutes pour leur pondre une histoire hollywoodienne.

Sans le savoir la base du concept de FAST-SCRIPT était née.

L’idée principale de cette mini série tourne autour de 3 jeunes réalisateurs/scénaristes persuadés d’être bourrés de talent. Ils sont convaincus qu’ils vont changer la face du monde avec leurs films.
Tarés de cinéma, avec pour seule culture cinématographique des films Série B et Z, nos 3 jeunes héros (joués par nous) sont très très très loin du compte.

On espère que vous prendrez plaisir à voir nos délires.

Le noir, et oui nous aussi on fait de la discrimination positive, s'appel SHINOBITCH pour les intimes.

Le mec qui ressemble à Jesus et qui est toujours aigri (c'est un robot du futur mais chut faut pas le dire) on le surnome Bboi ou Ten mais y'a que lui qui s'appel comme ça.

Enfin le plus bogoss de tous et le plus intelligent c'est Stanley alias Stan aka isté-ryk aka Harlem ou spreeewell ...

Nous allons essayer de mettre en ligne 1 épisode toutes les 2 semaines.

Si vous voulez nous envoyer un mail, (SUURTOUT SI VOUS ETES PRODUCTEUR ET QUE VOUS VOULEZ NOUS PRODUIRE)voici notre adresse :

PS: Tous ce que vous voyez dans cette série est tiré de faits réel

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Episode 2: Uss Alabama....c'est grâce au bambou

Fast Script 2 : USS Alabama - video powered by Metacafe

Le deuxieme episode de la trilogie..du grand cinema...

Bon l'idée dans cette épisode et dû à une fuite dans la cave de Bboi. On y fait des repétitions avec un groupe de musique et à chaque fois on se prenait des gouttes d'eau venant de ses tuyaux de canalisations... Donc on a imaginé une fuite d'eau dans un sous marin... Y'a beaucoup de freestyle dans cette épisode...notamment le début avec le sosie de Jimy Hendrix blanc

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Image Blending Arithmetic

A new paper posted in my santapaper blog. It is about Image Blending Arithmetic through C#
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MaxScript Editing Studio

Very excited about it. I am developing one max script editing environment for 3dsmax 9.0 with the help of Dot net and Scintilla. Unlike other editor it is completely integrated within max. For this project I'm using C#. But there are lot of unsafe block and platform invoke I used to talk with Scintilla from dotnet. Also one lexar I wrote for Scintilla to support max language features.

Some screenshots of work in progress...

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