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Relativity rap

E equals energy
M equals mass
and the Mc sparks the time to pass
the square root of two holds the whole thing together
and the workings of this process are both elegant and clever

All the chav’s think they are real clever
With their Burberry hats and eyes to close together
But check Einstein he wrote the line
Relativity he found divine
Mass and energy is the same thing
E=mc squared is da bling

A curved prism light gave Newton insight
That the flow of quantum chromodynmics is the structural wave form which moves the planets
The sun is a changeable force with a moving boundary which gives heat and light to you and me
Spectral light emissions cause the effect that curves space/ time to a constant effect

Nuclear fusion will cause no confusion
If you get over the simple delusion
That every thing is in a fixed state
That’s not how particles interrelate

I understood Newtonian physics at school for every action an opposite I was no fool
Well Dense energy equals mass they didn’t teach me that in class.
Compressed energy is released in a dance a physical activity not left too chance
All the sums must balance out and that’s what stars are all about

Well a black hole it has no mass
Progress and motion towards its devotion
No light escapes this Euclidian potion
Into what dimension does the energy emerge
The whole damn thing is truly absurd

Now please don't see this as a retraction
Let me illustrate this action
One two three all states emerge, mass and light and energy
Extend from a singularity.
Unleashed potential all around and that was how the light was found

With energy the world resounds there’s are always motion where light is found
E and mc squared gets it together and creates all kinds of cosmic weather
Photons and electrons perform the trick that lets the clockwork universe tick
It is not clockwork Newton’s bucket was wrong but try making that into a song

The Lambda principle lets there be light who’s to say it’s not cosmologically right?
A balanced creation of energy that created everything mysteriously
Electrons and photons Like to dance and will interact given half a chance

Too all of us its quite clear the earths a sphere
You can not see the curve off the earth for its mighty girth
The curve of the line resting on the equator
Is the truth of the now in the past and the later

The point of an arrow that curves on a dime
This is the essence of circular time, gravity curves nature too a constant degree
And even time is a singularity

Come on now, and don't be morons
Just innovate your interneurons
With its strange polarity existing on every scale
The perfect geometry off this tale
The golden ratio that makes every thing go
It’s the strangest thing that we all know

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation freezes time
but quantum gravity is the key too help find the sum of all histories
The Tachyon is faster than the speed of light and into history it sets flight
I hope this rhyme found the time to show you that physics is so sublime
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Music of the collapsing spheres

The black light of creation
Forms the rainbow of the sky
And from the dust comes heat
That illuminates the sky

One twin escapes and one returns
And this is how the wheel is turned
The darkest form of energy
A wholly fearful symmetry

Behold the destroyer and creator of worlds
The darkness that must come out the light?
The very source of all which must ignite
And the radiance of the sun turned in would

All potential is forged within me
My hand upon the face of the water of time
The movement of eternity

Maxwell's Demon set free
From the eternal constant it rises
The sea of light unfolded
Releasing Pandora's touch upon the living world

In the dreamtime all was created
This is where all worlds were fated
An essence to which all that was given must return
The efficient cause of quantum laws

A singular event which only the imaginary time can circumvent
On the levels of quantum reality this where we find this wave of duality
When the lens sees very large it only sees the quantum charge
When the lens sees very small we see the linkage of it all

Deep within are D.N.A is coded the way all life on earth unfolded
And Myth and truth can form a ridge
To jump across the synaptic bridge

On the planet that breaths is the tree of life
And the fruit of that tree is people who know
Even the darkest hole is radiant
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lala moulati ana9a maghribia




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