Jar City exclu 9movies

Jar City - AlloCiné

Critiques : (61 critiques)
Inspecteur à Reykjavik, Erlendur enquête sur le meurtre d'un vieil homme apparemment sans histoire. La photo de la tombe d'une petite fille retrouvée chez la victime réveille pourtant une affaire vieille de quarante ans. Et conduit Erlendur tout droit à Jar City, surprenante collection de bocaux renfermant des organes, véritable fichier génétique de la population islandaise...
Lien AlloCiné.Com : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefil...lm=131959.html

Nom de la Release : Jar.City.2006.FRENCH.LiMiTED.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.XviD-ZANBiC
Qualité : DVDRiP
Encodage : XViD
Langue : VF

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L'Armée des morts

Critiques : (588 critiques)
Personne ne peut expliquer comment tout cela est arrivé, mais ce matin, le monde n'est plus qu'un immense cauchemar. La population de la planète se résume désormais à une horde de morts vivants assoiffés de sang et lancés à la poursuite des derniers êtres humains encore en vie. Après avoir miraculeusement réussi à s'échapper de son quartier, Ana Clark se barricade avec un petit groupe de survivants dans un centre commercial. André et sa femme enceinte, Michael et Kenneth, officiers de police, vont tout faire pour rester vivants. Alors que dehors, la situation est de pire en pire, à l'intérieur, il faut aussi faire face aux peurs et aux démons de chacun.
Lien AlloCiné.Com : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefil...ilm=51739.html

Qualité : DVDRiP
Encodage : XViD
Langue : VF

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Alone in the dark

Origine du film : canadien
Réalisateur : Uwe Boll
Acteurs : Christian Slater, Tara Reid, Stephen Dorff
Genre : Thriller, Fantastique
Durée : 1h 36min
Date de sortie : Aucune information ...
Année de production : 2003
Titre Original : Aucune information ...
Distribué par : Aucune information ...
Critiques spectateurs : pour 116 critiques
Bande annonce : Aucune bande annonce disponible pour ce film ...

Les aventures du détective Edward Carnby parti sur l'île de Shadow Island pour enquêter sur le meurtre d'un ami. Sur place, il fera équipe avec une anthropologiste se nommant Aline Cedrac et sera poursuivi par des créatures de l'ombre.

Hébergeur : MégaUpload
Qualité : DVDRiP
Format : XviD
Langue : Français
Sous-titre : Aucun
Découper avec : Aucun
Nombre de fichiers : 1 Fichiers
Taille des fichiers : 700 Mo
Taille totale : 700 Mo

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Pour le streaming :

MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it

Mot de pass : Aucun

Total du post: 700 Mo
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4 films de bonne qualité

[MU] Martyr DVDRip.fr 2009 -16 ans

France, début des années 70.
Lucie, une petite fille de dix ans, disparue quelques mois plus tôt,
est retrouvée errant sur la route. Son corps maltraité ne porte aucune trace d'agression sexuelle.
Les raisons de son enlèvement restent mystérieuses.
Traumatisée, mutique, elle est placée dans un hôpital où elle se lie d'amitié avec Anna, une fille de son âge.
15 ans plus tard.
On sonne à la porte d'une famille ordinaire. Le père ouvre et se retrouve face à Lucie, armée d'un fusil de chasse. Persuadée d'avoir retrouvé ses bourreaux, elle tire.

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[MU] Le chantage DVDRip.fr 2008

La vie de Neil et Abby Warner est à tous points de vue parfaite : un couple idyllique, une adorable petite fille,
une maison magnifique... Mais tout bascule lorsque leur fille est enlevée.
Ils se rendent alors vite compte que le kidnappeur n'en veut pas à leur argent.
Il cherche à les détruire en les confrontant au pire des dilemmes :
tuer un innocent s'ils veulent sauver leur enfant.

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[MU] La Copine de mon meilleur ami DVDRip.fr 2009

Un homme nommé Tank est engagé par les ex-petits amis de jeunes femmes pour passer une soirée avec elles
et leur faire vivre un enfer afin que celles-ci retournent vers leur ancien amour.
Mais quand le meilleur ami de Tank a besoin de son aide,
celui-ci hésite entre son envie de conquérir la jeune femme et son amitié...

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[MU] Trahison DVDRip.fr 2009

L'agent du FBI Roy Clayton enquête sur un complot international. Tout semble accuser l'ancien officier des opérations spéciales US Samir Horn, personnage mystérieux aux relations inquiétantes.
Horn a le don étrange de surgir juste avant qu'une opération n'échoue, et de prendre le large avant qu'on ait pu l'interroger.
La section inter-agences chargée de l'appréhender rencontre le vétéran Carter, un freelance de la vieille école qui loue ses services à la CIA et semble en savoir long,
et l'agent du FBI Max Archer. L'équipe croit découvrir la preuve des activités illicites de Horn au Yémen,
à Nice et à Londres, mais de nouvelles et surprenantes révélations amènent Clayton à s'interroger sur les motivations de Horn. Est-il un traitre,
ou la vérité ne serait-elle pas plus compliquée ?
Déterminé à résoudre cette énigme, Clayton talonne Horn de ville en ville, de pays en pays,
l'obligeant à s'enfoncer chaque jour davantage dans un monde ténébreux de secrets et de mensonges...

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Slumdog Millionaire DVDRIP

Slumdog Millionaire
Jamal Malik, 18 ans, orphelin vivant dans les taudis de Mumbai, est sur le point de remporter la somme colossale de 20 millions de roupies lors de la version indienne de l’émission Qui veut gagner des millions ? Il n’est plus qu’à une question de la victoire lorsque la police l’arrête sur un soupçon de tricherie.Sommé de justifier ses bonnes réponses, Jamal explique d’où lui viennent ses connaissances et raconte sa vie dans la rue, ses histoires de famille et même celle de cette fille dont il est tombé amoureux et qu’il a perdue.Mais comment ce jeune homme est-il parvenu en finale d’une émission de télévision ? La réponse ne fait pas partie du jeu, mais elle est passionnante.
Infos sur le film

Nationalité : américain, britannique.
Réalisateur : Danny Boyle
Durée : 2h.
Acteurs : 14 Janvier 2009
Genre : Drame, Passion
Date : 14 Janvier 2009

Infos sur l'upload

Langue : Version Francaise
Découpage : winrar
Nombre de fichiers : 8
Taille totale : 700

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Small clouds - Large clouds

So, I attended this seminar recently, in which the usual suspects were paraded in front of a saucer-eyed audience; There was Amazon, Salesforce, local hopes and established players in equal measures. The first presentation was by a Swedish guy named Joakim Lindbom, CTO at Cap Gemini in Sweden - a really sharp guy, by the way.

His talk was about Amazon EC2, and I had heard a lot of it before, but not everything. Joakim focused on the architectural choices that Amazon had made when creating their different services, being an architect himself. He argued successfully the common knowledge that it really isn't possible to scale a relational database to do what Amazon have to do, and that the same apply to services.

In general a cloud-based architecture means that you use a distributed queueing service both to store incoming requests and to communicate between system parts. Yes, a kind of ESB, if you will, but simple!

It also means using schemaless databases that don't mind adding another column even though there's already 1.0E9 items in the table. 

And then it struck me; If it is absolutely critical to use ___SIMPLE___ (meaning non-complex, OK?) services which are both asynchronous (queued, event-driven) and dynamically or non-typed, to be able to build a system over a certain size - why is this not critical when building smaller system?

Or, to phrase the questions differently; How comes it is possible to build systems that does not comply with these traits, since they have been proven to be just critical? Size, is the answer of course.

But to expand that answer is to get to the core of the problem; Smaller sized systems can skimp on doing things right, because it doesn't show up until they get larger. And what small system doesn't?

So, essentially, what has been discovered to be critical in building large-scaled 'cloud' systems is just as essential in building smaller system, it just isn't as evident. Which of course can be translated as saying that it isn't critical. And, no, sure, it isn't critical. But what I'm saying is that even smaller system will by necessity cost less to build, if built according to the same principles the larger-scale system use, if nothing else but the simple fact that they will grow over time.

One of the successes of Erlang has been the reational approach to distributed proecessing; Since interprocess communication in Erlang is message-based, putting those messages on a bus á la Amazon's simple queue service, will be transparent to the processes using it, and also, those very processes need not know where they are and can so be safely dotted out in the cloud somewhere.

Imagine if someone would do that kind of stuff to another cool language, maybe one with first-class and anonymous functions, duck-typing (Simple, 'schemaless'), closures and late binding (i.e. easy to code in), like ... JavaScript? Maybe someone already has? :) 

No wait, nobody has to, right. It usable that way right off the bat. 

Have a nice weekend all y'all.


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12th international scriptwriters festival in France

The French town of Bourges will host the 12th International Scriptwriters festival, between March 25 and 29. The event is popular, featuring round tables, a writing competition, workshops (with a focus on writing for TV), audience-friendly events that include the analysis of popular films and events around animation and documentaries. All events are in French.

Find more details here.
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RIP: Tullio Pinelli, writer of "La Dolce Vita"

Tullio Pinelli, writer of the screenplay of "La Dolce Vita" and "8 1/2", died in Rome on March 7. Pinelli, who was 100 years old, wrote more than a dozen of Fellini's films as well as working with other "maestros". Although nominated four times, he never won an Oscar, but did pick up numerous other awards, the most recent being the David Di Donatelo screenplay award for "Speriamo che sia femmina/Let's Hope It's a Girl" in 1986. A script of his, "Voyage to Tulum", is currently in production.
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Czech award goes to "The Karamazovs"

In further award news, the Czech TV and film announced the winners of the 2008 Czech Lions at a gala ceremony March 7 at Prague's Lucerna Palace. Petr Zelenka's The Karamazovs [trailer] was the big winner, taking home Best Film and Best Director, as well as being named Best Feature by Czech film critics. Zelenka wrote the script, based on the book "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostojevsky. It was Czech Republic's Oscar contender this year.

The Best Screenplay went to Bohdan Slama for his Venice title A Country Teacher.
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Google Friend Connect Public Key finally released :)

Yes! After months of general agonizing and a feeling that everything I knew about security *might* be wrong, Google releases the public key for the certificate that signs the signed requests coming from custom GFC gadgets back to your server.

Arne Rooman-Kurrik (at Google) posted the certificate to the OpenSocial mailing list yesterday, and it looks like this;


It was later verified to work by a guy called videomap (should work at Google).

For old readers of my blog the magnitude of this event is simple to understand, but just to be sure, it goes like this;

1) You think that GFC is kind of cool. You put a gadget (or several) on the pages of your site, Google manages login, authentication, friend management et.c and people can chat , rate and have fun on your pages.
2) You realize that allthoug people are having fun there is zero (0) interactivity between the GFC gadgets and your site, and/or
3) You would really like to know the unique user id of the GFC loggged in user that sees you page right now.

So, you..

4) Learn how to create a custom GFC gadget (Exactly like creating a custom OpenSocial gadgets. Just grab one of the smallest sample code files, and you're done. Well, you have to get the 'wrappin' HTML for it from the GFC admin console for your site. Whatever).
5) You put the gadget on your ite in a nice, shiny directory
6) You enter the wrapping code in your page that loads you custom gadget *through* Google's GFC servers.
7) You browse through the OpenSocial 8.x AP docs and realize that you need to do a makeRequest() call back to an url of your server, getting the usr id (and picture) is dead simple, so you have that already in the other hand.
8) Yay, Your custom gadget actually send back the info! Great.

But then you realize...

9) Anythion on your page could actually have sent back that info. A malign ad might inject some script which runs and just send back 0000 or something. Translation: You can't trust informatiuon sent from the client.
10) You find a great option to makeRequest in the OpenSocial API called SIGNED requests. This will make the container (the GFC server in this case) sign the data you send. But also add signed and correct user ids for the viewer and owner of the current data. Yay!

It doesn't work. Until..

11) It suddenly does, a couple of weeks ago GFC decides to activate SIGNED requests. Wild joy. Everything seems ok.


12) You realize you don't have the public key the GFC uses, so you can't actually verify that some *other* server on the internet tries to look like it is a GFC server and feed you false data. Eugh.

But then

13) They did publish the public key (Above), so now the circle is finally closed. We can now use GFC as a universal login mechanism, get a unique user id back to our server,a nd connect that to any data we choose.

Thanks Google!!!


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Millenium explodes onto Nordic screens

The first instalment of the best-selling "Millenium" trilogy opened to explosive figures in Sweden and Denmark. Some 350,000 people queued for the 140-minute film of Stieg Larsson's sweeping tale of dark secrets in a darker family, putting it at the top of both box offices over the weekend.

Directed by Niels Arden Oplev and written by Nicolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg it will soon be released in Norway (March 13), Finland (March 27) and France, where UGC is planning to release it May 13, the opening day of the Cannes Film Festival. Rumours in the press have it that Millenium will open the festival.
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"Seraphine" picks up 7 awards in France

The biopic "Séraphine" walked away with no less than 7 Césars at France's annual film awards. It had been nominated in nine categories and took prizes including best actress for Yolande Moreau, best original screenplay, best cinematography, best score, best art direction and best costumes. It pushed out the impressive "Mesrine" series, with Vincent Cassel nonetheless picking up a best actor award.

Inevitably, the blogosphere was again full of claims that the Césars snub the French audience (as in previous years). A notable absence was the runaway hit "Les Ch'tis" (Welcome ot the Sticks) that only managed a nomination in the original screenplay award. Although it unikely that it deserved to win in that section, it is unusual that such a huge hit should be passed over on the night. As actor Dany Boon pointed out, there should be a section for Best Comedy - a genre that France can still excel in but is perhaps a little too low-brow for the august academy.

The full list of César winners:

Best Picture
Seraphine, dir : Martin Provost

Best Actor
Vincent Cassel, Mesrine

Best Actress
Yolande Moreau, Seraphine

Best Director
Jean-Francois Richet, Mesrine

Best Original Screenplay Martin Provost, Seraphine

Best Adapted Screenplay Laurent Cantet, Francois Begaudeau and Robin Campillo, The Class

Best First Film
I've Loved You So Long, dir: Philippe Claudel

Best Supporting Actress
Elsa Zilberstein, I've Loved You So Long

Best Supporting Actor
Jean-Paul Roussillon, A Christmas Tale

Best Newcomer, Male
Marc-Andre Grondin, Le Premier Jour Du Reste De Ta Vie

Best Newcomer, Female
Deborah Francois, Le Premier Jour Du Reste De Ta Vie

Best Score
Michael Galasso, Seraphine

Best Cinematography
Laurent Brunet, Seraphine

Best Costumes
Madeline Fontaine, Seraphine

Best Art Direction
Thierry Francois, Seraphine

Best Editing
Sophie Reine, Le Premier Jour Du Reste De Ta Vie

Best Sound
Alexandre Widmer, Francois Groult, Gerard Hardy, Herve Buirette, Jean Minodo, Mesrine

Best Foreign Film
Waltz With Bashir, dir: Ari Folman

Best Documentary
Les Plages d’Agnes, dir: Agnes Varda

Best Short Film
Les Miettes, dir : Pierre Pinaud
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