

[RS] [DVDRiP] Choke

Origine du film : américain

Réalisateur : Clark Gregg

Acteurs : Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston, Kelly MacDonald

Genre : Comédie dramatique

Durée : 1h 32min

Date de sortie : 21 Janvier 2009

Année de production : 2008

Titre Original : Aucune information ...

Distribué par : Twentieth Century Fox France

[RS] [DVDRiP] Choke

Cherchant de quoi payer la clinique privée où sa mère est hospitalisée en psychiatrie, Victor monte une redoutable escroquerie. Alors qu'il dîne dans les meilleurs restaurants, il fait semblant de s'étouffer et s'arrange pour que de bons Samaritains viennent à son secours : ces derniers se prennent alors d'affection pour lui et finissent par le couvrir de chèques. Son boulot est tout aussi surprenant puisqu'il endosse le costume d'un domestique irlandais du XVIIIème siècle dans un parc d'attractions historiques. Et lorsqu'il n'est pas en train de jouer les pèlerins, de s'étouffer en mangeant - ou encore de rendre visite à sa mère qui ne le reconnaît plus -, il participe à des thérapies de groupe pour obsédés sexuels.Pas étonnant que Victor se sente largué. Mais quand sa mère, dont l'état de santé se détériore, laisse entendre qu'elle est prête à lui révéler l'identité du père qu'il n'a jamais connu, Victor espère obtenir enfin les réponses aux questions qu'il se pose depuis si longtemps. Grâce à la complicité de son copain Denny, tout aussi obsédé sexuel que lui, il se lie d'amitié avec le ravissant médecin de sa mère : en discutant avec elle, Victor finit par croire qu'il a peut-être des origines célestes...Du coup, est-il vraiment un bon à rien pathétique ou une sorte de Messie venu sur Terre pour sauver l'humanité ?

[RS] [DVDRiP] Choke

Hébergeur : RapidShare

Qualité : DVDRiP

Format : XviD

Langue : Français

Sous-titre : Aucun

Découper avec : WinRar

Nombre de fichiers : 4 Fichiers

Taille des fichiers : 200 Mo

Taille totale : 700 Mo

[RS] [DVDRiP] Choke

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Mot de pass : Aucun

Telecharger Download pour telecharger les films gratuitement et des liens directes Films d'action , films 2008 , films 2009 , horreur , drame , aventures , science fiction , comédie , animation , romance , thriller , western , surprises .

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Ping or die

So, we've got this computer that we use as a router... and since it probably eats electricity like crazy, compared to an ordinary router, every night when everyone goes off-line somebody has to turn it off. And since programmers are lazy, we've been kicking around the idea of making a program that turns the damn thing off by itself.

But since programmers are lazy, I only did it today, after a year of excuse finding (at which I am highly proficient).

Result: here's a little Perl script to run commands when some computers go off-line. It turned out quite simple. Enjoy!

# Ping or die
# Pings all ip addresses and turns off the machine when 
# all of them are dead.
# If you need to run other commads, you can do that too. 
# Parameters:
10#   c - command to run,
11#   s - sleep time between pinging (in seconds),
12#   t - ping timeout (in seconds),
13#   IP addresses or hostnames to watch.
14# Example:
15#   Turn on the Rokudan when the router's down for a minute:
16#       ping_or_die -s 60 "mpg321 Rokudan.mp3"
17# Author:
18#   Konrad Siek
20# Packages
21use Net::Ping;
22use Getopt::Std;
24# Defaults
25my $command = "shutdown -h now";
26my $sleep_time = 300;
27my $timeout = 10;
28my $hosts = ();
30# Setup options
31my %options = ();
32getopt "cst"\%options;
33$command = @options{c} if defined @options{c};
34$sleep_time = @options{s} if defined @options{s};
35$timeout = @options{t} if defined @options{t};
36@hosts = @ARGV;
38# If no hosts were provided print help and exit.
39if (scalar @hosts < 1) {
40    print "Usage: $0 [options] list-of-ips\n";
41    print "\t-c\tcommand to run\n";
42    print "\t-s\tsleep time between pinging (in seconds)\n";
43    print "\t-t\tping timeout (in seconds)\n";    
44    exit -1;
47# Setup ping - 30 second timeout
48$ping = Net::Ping->new("tcp"$timeout);
50# Main program
51my $again;
52do {
53    $again = 0;
54    # Wait some time before checking
55    sleep $sleep_time;
56    # Ping machines
57    foreach (@hosts) {
58        my $present = $ping->ping($_);
59        $again |= $present;
60    }
61} while ($again);
63# Finish up ping
66# Info
67print "$0: dead hosts: @hosts\n";
68print "$0: running command '$command'\n";
70# Run command
71system $command;

The code is also available at GitHub as perl/ping_or_die.
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Coeur D encre

..:: Coeur D'encre 2009 ::..

Date de sortie : : 28 Janvier 2009

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Date de sortie : : 28 Janvier 2009

Origine du film : américain

Réalisateur : Iain Softley

Acteurs : Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren

Genre : Fantastique

Durée : 1h 47min

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Depuis la disparition de sa mère il y a neuf ans, Meggie voyage sans cesse avec son père Mo. Celui-ci ne tient pas en place et trouve toujours un prétexte pour changer d'endroit. Mo a en effet un secret qu'il n'a jamais révélé à sa fille : il possède un extraordinaire pouvoir, celui de donner vie aux personnages des livres qu'il lit à haute voix. Il y a neuf ans, il a eu le malheur de lire Coeur d'encre, et une bande de personnages mortellement dangereux, dont le redoutable bandit Capricorne et un jongleur cracheur de feu nommé Doigt de poussière, a surgi... Plus terrifiant encore, tandis que la troupe de malfrats prenait vie, la femme de Mo a disparu dans le livre ! Mo s'est juré de ne plus jamais lire à haute voix. Et depuis, il fuit les personnages auxquels il a donné vie malgré lui, essayant de protéger le livre qui est son dernier espoir de retrouver la mère de Meggie.

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Hébergeur : [Multi] Qualité : TS Format : Avi Langue : Français Sous-titre : Aucun Découper avec : WinRar Nombre de fichiers : 1 ou 4 pour Rapidshare Fichiers Taille des fichiers : 717 ou 3 x 203 + 1 x 107 Mo

Lien(s) :

Mot de passe : strip

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Telecharger Download pour telecharger les films gratuitement et des liens directes Films d'action , films 2008 , films 2009 , horreur , drame , aventures , science fiction , comédie , animation , romance , thriller , western , surprises .

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De l'autre cote du lit

De l'autre côté du lit

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Date de sortie : 07 Janvier 2009 Les films de 2009 ...

Réalisé par Pascale Pouzadoux

Avec Sophie Marceau, Dany Boon, Roland Giraud Plus...

Film français.

Genre : Comédie

Durée : 1h 33min.

Année de production : 2008

Distribué par Mars Distribution

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Ariane et Hugo décident d'échanger leur vie pour échapper à la routine, qui, après dix ans de mariage, leur donne le sentiment d'être des hamsters pédalant dans une roue. Elle se retrouve du jour au lendemain à la direction d'une entreprise de location de matériel de chantier. Et lui s'improvise vendeur de bijoux à domicile... Mais la vie est-elle plus belle lorsqu'on la contemple de l'autre côté du lit ?

[MULTI-HEBERG] Madagascar 2 [DVDRIP]

Qualité : CAM

Encodage : XViD

Langue : VF

Lien(s) :

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Telecharger Download pour telecharger les films gratuitement et des liens directes Films d'action , films 2008 , films 2009 , horreur , drame , aventures , science fiction , comédie , animation , romance , thriller , western , surprises .

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Germany boasts two nominations for foreign Oscars

The complexity of international co-productions means that Germany has two different nominations in the best foreign film slot at the Oscars. I'm only half surprised that the same company is behind both.

Constantin Film are a remarkable company that made such an impact with the incredible "Der Untergang/Downfall" last year. This year, they will be saving money on the flight to Hollywood with nominations for "The Baader-Meinhoff Complex" (already 2 million spectators in Germany) and "Waltz With Bashir", an Israeli's account of the Lebanese war.
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Using Dojo to implement the 12 standard screen patterns

I really enjoyed reading Theresa Neil's article just recently on the 12 standard screen layout types. She gave a lot of examples, but what I found lacking was some nice templates that could be used if you wanted to jump right in and implement one or two of the patterns. I've been meaning to write a post about Dojo's Layout containers for a while now, so my initial idea was to provide Dojo examples to each of the 12 screen patterns.

As it turns out, not all patterns exist today as plain off-the-shelf examples, I decided to skip some of the patterns, since my blogging time is a bit limited, and just bite the bullets that I can quickly show.

Since we've just concluded that I'm really lazy, It will come as no suprise that I'll just provide links (where possible) to existing Dojo unit tests, that can be copied straight off (possibly changing where the css and js loads from, but I assume you're familiar with such procedures)

1. Master/Detail

[Would be simple to do with StackContainer. I have a releated, flipped example here, which loads html page snippets using Ajax and flip them over 'hypercard'-like when menu selection changes]

2. Column Browse.

There's actually a faily new Dojo widget that provides this 'mac explorer' kind of cuntionality. Data source riven and all. Verry snappy :)

3. Search / Results

This pattern is of course the perfect fit for Dojo's DataGrid with filtering queries to the data store from where it draws its contents; Note that the example uses Google's cross-domain JS API to get the data which the grid is filled with;

4. Filter DataSet.

This is also a tricky one to find as-is. Several data stores in Dojo support complex queries, and creating a filtering panel that let the user apply filters to the tiems retrieved from the data store is not particlarly hard. Mail me or comment here if you really want an example, and I'll post one later.

5. Form

No worries here. There's forms galore;

6. Palette / Canvas

Due to Dojo's unique cross-browser native 2D api, which detect if it should use SVG, VML, Canvas or Silverlight, there are several other DOjo API's which utilizes this for charting and other things. There'sfor example an excellent Sketching API which support manipulations of SVG files, as well as a related example in the dojox.gfx section. I chose these tests because they both provide a palette / canvas like experience, involving actual graphics. You should also check out openJacob's draw2D if you are the least interested in that kind of stuff :)

7. Dashboard.

This patterns has me a bit confused. Except for the charting / graphing widgets it seems to me to be similar to a form or something. Perhaps an assymetric DataGrid. Let's focus on the charting then. There are several good dojox.charting examples available, all which build on the work of dojox.gfx.

8. Spreadsheet

This is again a prime candidate for DataGrid, depending on whether to implement a real spreadheet or just look a bit like one. No exmaple included.

9. Wizard

OK, there's no widget for this - exactly- though the pattern would be fairly simple to implement. Again, mail or comment if you really want an exact copy of the pattern in Dojo. Meanwhile, here _is_ a Wizard widget, but it only shows one 'scren' of the wizard at any one time;

10. Q:A

I'm not really sure I get this one exactly. It is just #1 but over-confident, or what?

11. Parallel Panels

These we've got. and in spades. There's the obvious AccordionContainer, the classical TabContainer, as well as the fully hackable StackContainer.

12. Interactive Model.

This one covers quite a wide area. The emphasis seem to be on graphical interaction, which I'll have to get back to you for, because now it's time for lunch :)

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Upcoming talks

So, it is a new year which brings new conferences with it. Yesterday I sent out three proposals to three different conferences, and just one day after, one of them answered! Yay!

The conference in question is Web Tech Exchange 2009 in London, May 14-15, and my talk is on the second day, entitled "Leveraging to build scalable enterprise applications". It does sound very interesting, doesn't it? :) Now all I have to do is write the actual talk as well.

But first of all I will do a free Dojo workshop at Svenska Dataföreningen this Thursday (15/1). I'll be covering basic Dojo widgets and how you take a simple page and add some stylish Dojo magic to it, maybe some data integration or dojox.charting if there's time for it. You have to register for it and bring your own machine. Oh, and have a local web server of some sort and download the Dojo 1.2.3 source distro as well.

Later this month I'll be holding an intense but character-building talk on Thin Server Architecture at the Swedish jFokus event, Januari 28-29.

Outstanding are stil my proposals for O'reillys OSCON2009 in San José and the NextWeb Conference in Hamburg. And do know that I need help with funding to get across the water, just so yo know. Thx! ^_^

If you want me to speak at your event, or need a workshop/course in Dojo for your company or organization, feel free to mail me at the address in the left column, or twit me at



Apparently, I will not be speaking at the jFokus event in Stockholm as I initially thought. I was urged to submit a proposal last fall by the organizers, which apparently didn't look as urgent when it came down to it :)

It might have something to do with me having broken up with Java and the event is _about_ Java. Maybe. Anyway, if you still want me to talk about thing server and all that jazz in Stockholm, please let me know and I'll arrange another venue if there's enough interest. The mail address is as always on the right side of the blog.

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Shyam Benegal told me 'Tingya' is like a poem: Director

Marathi film 'Tingya' might have lost out to Aamir Khan's 'Taare Zameen Par' as the official entry to the Oscars, but the film has no dearth of critical acclaim with ace filmmaker Shyam Benegal appreciating it and comparing it to a poem.

'I felt so nice that a veteran like Shyam Benegal told me that my film 'Tingya' is like a poem,' Mangesh Hadawale, the 26-year-old director, told IANS over phone from Mumbai.

'Tingya' made its debut at the 38th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) is a sensitive tale about a boy and his love for his bull, set against the politically charged background of farmers' suicides and life in rural Maharasthra.

' 'Tingya' has done better than my expectations. I never thought that such a small film would do so well,' said Hadawale.

'It is a very realistic film. What children do, what they feel and their antics, which are universal. It's very easy to relate to the film since you can relate with the emotions. That's why people have liked the film so much, and language did not pose a barrier. It is truly a human story.'

The film, which stands out from the clutter of big films, has won various awards and might also be sent as an independent entry to the 81st Academy Awards.

'Right now it's not decided whether we will send the film as an independent category for Oscars or not. This is a call that the producer has to take; so right now I am not very sure,' said Hadawale.

The MTV Youth Icon award was recently conferred on Hadawale, a debutant director.

'I never knew the concept of youth icon before. This is the fifth year when MTV has organised this. In earlier years they have been awarding people of the likes of Anil Ambani, Shah Rukh Khan, etc., but this year they have decided to award people who have made a standing for themselves in spite of problems and without anyone's help,' said Hadawale.

'It felt really nice.'

After the success of his debut film, the director has diverted his energies towards making a Hindi film.

'I am working on a Hindi film now. The working title of the film is 'Circus' and it will be made around the background of the Lok Sabha.

'I want to make a film which is viewed globally and appeals to the sensibilities of people the world over. It should be real with a streak of entertainment,' he said.

The young director is excited by his newfound success and would like to work with the Khan trio (Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan) apart from Hrithik Roshan, Naseeruddin Shah and Yashpal Yadav.
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What makes Dojo diferent?

Dojo (and also Ext, IIRC) have a couple of semi-unique features, being proper data abstractions in the client layer and extendable, hierarchical widgets systems.

I know Dojo best, so I'll use that as an example;

Data abstraction means a separate API layer between widgets (or other classes) and the actual data. All datastores (as they are called) have the same kind of API, but manages access to data differently. For example theres one store called ItemFileReadStore, which just read in a JSON object from an url and provide it as a bag of items to widgets.

Let's say that you use this data store to provide data to a combobox which implements type-ahead (which the Dojo one does). After testing you want to have a more advance data store which only fetches some items at a time (because the amount of data on the server is too large to load at once) and caches it. That means switching to the JsonRestStore, which uses the same API as the first one, et.c.

Here are some good articles that give more meat on;

The widget system in Dojo let you define custom widgets and place them on the page, using a single element with special properties. Dojo scans for these elements and look up the widget definition (in a JavaScript file and the HTML template for the widget (pointed out by the JavaScript file).

Dojo then calls special functions in the widget class according to lifecycle events, and also manage unique id creation for html template elements, instantiation of subwidgets, et.c.

Dojo uses this system for all its own widgets internally, and many custom widget projects I do for customers start out with subclassing an existing widget (using Dojo's pseudo- OO). The reason this work so well is that Dojo have proper namespacing, which also correspond (but can be overridden) to directory hierarchies, so class/widget lookup is both straightforward and understandable.

At the moment jQuery have no data abstraction or widget subsystem (unless I've misunderstood jQuery UI completely, in which case I would very much like to be corrected :), and neither have YUI.

Now I've done it again. :) This is my next blog post, apparently.

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A possible solution for siteful user authentication in friend connect

I just posted this to the gfc mailing list, but since it relates to my earlier post on google friend connect authentication, I'll recap here;

At the moment it's not possible to use a makreRequest call back to your server with the id and general data for the current vieweing gfc user, through Google's servers using SIGNED authentication. What that would mean is that googles servers guarantees that the data is correct and stamps it in a way, since they recently authenticated the user themselves.

Google _is_ prioritizing this, so we'll probably see a new release of the GFC API's that allows for this quite soon.

But what if you want to get the friend connect user id of the viewer anyway?

Although, having thought about this a bit, a weaker kind of security can be had if you just decide to trust the scripts running in the page.

1) You store your own custom xml file describing your own opensocial gadget on your server
2) You store the page containing the gadget on your own server.
3) When the page is loaded, it first load GFC from google's servers
4) The it tells GFC to load your custom opensocial gadget _through_ googles servers, acting as a proxy.
5) You could in essence generate the xml file containing the widget in a server-side template (ugh!) which contains a unique session cookie you keep track of on the server
6) When the widget snarfs viewer info et,c, and send it back to your server again, through googles server, using makeRequest, it also passes on the magic cookie
7) Then you might be reasonably certain that you haven't been fooled around with.

However, anything coming from the client should be treated with great scepticism, even if cookie is correct, the data collected might have been tempered with, resulting that you associate an action with the wrong user id. Still, I think this is a reasonably safe solution.

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