Promotion is a strange thing.
I mean, I have written this book and it would be nice if people read it.
However, I'm no marketing expert and despite appearances, tend to be a bit dismissive of my achievements.
Having said that, let me tell you what's great about the book I wrote;
1) It's just 250 pages long
2) It covers in the most approachable way I could write about it - not common :)
3) It delves into as many parts of dojox as I could muster, not just the usual stuff but DragPanes, ExpandoPanes and GridContainers, with examples and tutorials as well.
4) Uses a lot of the actual (svn) source code of Dojo to show and explain different kinds of funcitonality.
5) Describes the creation of custom Dojo widgets at every opportunity.
6) Heavily opinionated.
That's not enough for you, eh? OK, grab a sample chapter on layout right here, and tell me what you think. No really, please mail me so I get some feedback on how usable it is to actually learn Dojo, since that's what the title is about, isn't it?