The words of young Albert upon meeting his sister

I think she's quite good
A marvel of science
but where are the wheels upon this appliance ?
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The epiphany of Kurt Gödel

When you look for correlation some very odd areas provide explanation
Will the use of no free parameter, define the root of times parameter?

He was seeking a platonic proof of the existence of God
But the chief result was somewhat odd

Gödel awoke to find nothing changed
But the mental furniture had been rearranged

An all too conventional way of thinking can shut down ways of neural linking
Hardwired deep within the frame, a puzzle to defy the brain

A mechanical Golem can not define this relativist way to tell the time
A time that's not kept on the shelf with need of soul too define itself

Travelling so fast that time ceases to be was implied, implicitly
Will nature’s strange loops go bang and crunch?
Enough of this I'm off to lunch.
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The Dreaming

Some years ago a group of wise men set forth on a rowing boat
Along the river of life, leaving the boat behind. They began to climb towards the top of Mount improbable

A telescope was used to look off into the distance, where they spied a huge rock, which filled the horizon

The Buddhist was the first to speak, saying this rock is Enlightenment. The transmutation of thought, which is the grounding of all being

The Hindu spoke next this rock is Brahma, the very grounding of reality

The Christian said this is proof of the design of the living god whose touches felt upon all things

The Marxist said, this rock is a property of all and no one can claim prior ownership of it

The scientist said this rock is the arc of symmetry in which no law is immutable

The existentialist stated that the rock can change my perspective, and I can change my perspective of the rock and yet I am not unmoved by it

The aboriginal said, the rock is the dreaming, from which all forms spring

The materialist said, it's just a bloody big rock, and it was decided not to invite him next time. Until they remembered he was the one who made the sandwiches
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What,s a tree

Please tell me granddad what's a tree?
Did monkeys play so hurriedly?
Did birds make nests and fly about?

I tell you child I do not know.
I tell you child it's quite a fix.
How did the world run out of sticks?

The internet will surely tell.
Well it was us.
Oh what the hell?

Now what's that smell?
It smells a lot like rats and roaches
If only the forests we had not toasted.
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Recipe for the universe

Half a pound of energy
And just a pinch of dark matter
All tied up with superstring and served up on a platter

Side serving: the thyme to go with this meal comes in two flavours
cyclic or linearised
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Drunk Again

Two particle physicists walk out of a bar
One is in an indeterminate state
And other's legs are uncertain of principal
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lala moulati ana9a maghribia




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