But for the time being Bye...
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But for the time being Bye...

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3DsMaxVersion: 8.0
If any object travels to another object on a spiral path it is very much annoying to manually create the blending animation of their material. Through this material you can calculate their distance and blending animation of their material. This is very much helpful for creating such scenes like character is going near to fire or touching something with magic wand. Just watch the video and you will get the idea how to use it.
santa CS Tick To Frame Snapper

3DsMaxVersion: 8.0
When we change the frame speed of biped animation (Or scaling the duration) some key frames of biped objects move to tick settings instead of Frame. Then we have to manually select those frames and adjust them to nearest frame (It is much easier to animate with frame settings than tick). There we can use this script. Just select the biped body parts and select their keys (For all keys select all body parts and select all keys). Then just click the santaCSTickToFrameSnapper icon on your toolbar. Keys are now snapping to there nearest frame. No need of manual adjustment for every key. Now change your time Display setting to frame. Extremely helpful when you are going to use a Bip file or mocap file with different FPS (e.g. Bip file is in NTSC standard and you are working with PAL standard).
santa Trajectory Limiter

3DsMaxVersion: 8.0
Sometime when we are working with complex animation scene we want to view a part of portion of trajectory for an animated object (as because the total trajectory line is showing us so much complex view) there we can use this script. Here we can mention the starting limit and the end limit of trajectory display. Then the script will show you only the trajectory of range given by you. You also can interactively enable or disable and control the trajectory line. If you face any problem for trajectory structure or position you can refresh it anytime. It will help you a lot and reduce the complexity of your trajectory display on viewport. Happy animation…
Santa Project Planner

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3DsMaxVersion: 8.0