Santa Reactor Properties Lister

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3DsMaxVersion: 6.0, 7.0 and 7.0+

Give you to a list view of Reactor physical Properties for all scene objects.
very Helpful to mannage collision simulation when working on multiple object scene.

Through Santa Reactor PropLister floater you can easily manipulate object's mass, friction, elasticity. Just click on santaReactorPropLister on your toolbar to get the list view. Quick help with floater.
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Santa Mirror Morph

Very tricky to work with it and sometimes not work properly...I'm working on a new a one...

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Must Read Before use

Video Tutorial (Need DivX Player)(right click "save target as" )

3DsMaxVersion: 7.0 and 7.0+

Help you to create mirror morph target like left sneer to right sneer. After using 3dsMax's default mirror tool you cannot use the model as morph target(mirroring will not affect the morpher). You can use this script to mirror the morph targets ( basically for creating left eye brow up right eyebrow up etc.) Copy the target what you want to mirror. pick the head and copied target object. click the mirror button to create mirror morph

Now only for polygon morpher modeling. Before do the process delete all modifiers from Target and main head ( Turbo smooth, Mesh Smooth etc.). Maintain the work Flow for asymmetrical structure ( see the attached help Pdf,Video Demonstration and readme first). Please report bugs and additional requirements, if any, to , subject: santa Mirror Morph.
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santa MemoryHide

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3DsMaxVersion: 7.0 and 7.0+

Very useful to hide & unhide objects when working with complex scenes like making scene with 100 tree objects or more. Perfect for such situation like:1) All similar objects are in same layer (no of layers is also many)2) Don’t want to use unhide by name or you forget the objects name (long name list…hard to find a specific object)3) Don’t want to create selection set before every hide-unhide.When you use this script it gives a complete list of every hide objects…so you can unhide them easily. Again you can select or show property of every objects in your hide list or can manipulate individually. You can create multiple hide/unhide list group (overlapping object name…means a single can be part of two list). So scopes are in hand how you use this script.Quick help with every floater.


1. Create a folder “santaMemoryHide” in your max script folder.
2. Unzip the code and copy “” and “” in just created santaMemoryHide folder
3. Run the
4. For 'customize user interface' under 'Toolbars' tab select susanta category.
5. Now drag the “santaMemoryHide” action to your main toolbar
6. Select your objects what you want to hide click the new “santaMemoryHide”fron your toolbar.
Please report bugs and additional requirements, if any, to , subject: santa MemoryHide
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3DsMaxVersion: 7.0 and 7.0+

Similar to SnapShot tool but it generates Editable Polygon object ( Default snapshot only generates
Edit mesh Object). It supports range value to take a snap of animated object in to editable polygon
Please report bugs and additional requirements, if any, to , subject:SantaSnapPoly.

- Copy to your max script folder.
- Run the
- For 'customize user interface' under 'Toolbars' tab select susanta category.
- Now drag the 'SantaSnapPoly' action to your main toolbar
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DownLoad Script
3dsMax Version: 7.0 and 7.0 +

Similar to isolate selection tool but works in polygon and vertex level. Help you doing polygon modeling or modeling polygon morpher.

Select your Polygon object, select poly or vertex what you want to isolate. Click "Isolate Poly / Vertices" button. it will give isolate view of that particular poly or vertices what you selected. Click agin to exit from Poly or vertex isolation mode.

You can use it with your poly or vertex selection sets at the time of morpher modeling when
you need random hide or unhide of polygon or vertex.

Please report bugs and additional requirements, if any, to , subject:Polygon Isolation.

V2 Changes:

Now with checkbutton ( similar UI Like Isolate Tool)
Validation on Macrosript and start additional rollout floater
Functions from max7 polygon modeling ( least chance to get bugs with Max7 or 7+ )

- Copy to your max script folder.
- Run the
- For 'customize user interface' under 'Toolbars' tab select susanta category.
- Now drag the 'Santa Isolate' action to your main toolbar
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